Tuesday, November 30, 2021

What you need to know about room 15

1/December 20121

We have been learning about creating media to help others to learn things. We created videos to help a learner who is new to our class know the important things that can help them to have a great year! We used Canva to create a short video clip to show what we need to know about room 15

It was easy to choose a template more quickly this time without mucking around.

It was hard to decide what was the most important things to tell new students.

Next time I will actually finish a task.

One thing I don't know how to do yet that I would like to do next is publish a Canva project. I am going to ask a child as soon as I have finished this.

Room 15

Fake Postcard


We have been learning about understanding that everything on the internet is not always true and how we can find a reliable source of information. Finding more than one source with the same information is helpful, using sites with .govt (government) or .org, site with a padlock in the omnibox, are helpful tools.  

It was fun taking a picture, removing the background

It was hard to incorporate 3 different sentence types.

Next time I will add some animation

One thing I don't know how to do yet that I would like to do next is animation

Fake Postcard

Monday, November 15, 2021

Canva Video Design

 15 November 2021

We have been learning about how important it is to create our own media.

We have been learning about using CANVA

to create something to share that shows what I know about. 

It was easy to use a template rather than spend time designing your own the first time. This allowed me to remember more new skills.

It was hard to make the video

Next time I will make more videos.

One thing I don't know how to do yet that I would like to do next is

Check out my design here

Monday, August 2, 2021

Quality Blogs

 Monday 7 August

Quality Blogs

In class we were learning about writing a quality blog post. 

We used Google slides to present our findings by adding a picture of ourselves with a background and then we had to put a speech bubble with the details about what we had learned. Then we had to make a mote by reading out what we had written. 

I tried to make a polyline picture of myself.  I found this challenging and I had to really persevere to keep going. The facial features were particularly difficult to draw around so I decided to use shapes instead. 

I really enjoy working on the same tasks as the class because the children are really good at helping me

My polyline photo is too big to publish so I have added a google slide task sheet that I created for a short novel study. I used a background format to make each chapter look uniformed. I also used voice typing to write out the chapters because there was not enough books to go around. I would never have considered doing this before Manaiakalani. 

Nga mihi


Monday, July 5, 2021

Blog with Amie

  Monday July 5 2020

This blog is being done alongside the class completing their first blog. 

We are learning about smart online profiles. We know that there are somethings that we should not share on a public forum, some things are public and should not be shared and some things should be kept private.

 We should not share them on line: our last name, our address, our passwords, bank details, number plate....

We created our profile using google drawings, we removed the background, used animations, used talltweets

It was hard to...

It was easy to..

Next time I will...

 I am going to write down the the method to post something on my blog because after all these weeks I could not remember how to do this. 

Adding animation or profile: File - Publish to the web - Embed - Small - (every second if animation) -publish -Ctr c - Pencil - Embed symbol - click end of the line - push enter - Ctr V - pencil - preview

Adding a site: Select Omnibox - Ctr C - Write words - Highlight words - insert link - Ctr V.

This is my Kaitiakitanga site

Doing this with the class was great because I never felt sure of how to add something to my blog. 

Nga mihi 


Thursday, June 24, 2021


Kia ora Koutou

Day 8 of Digital Fluency Intensive

Computational Thinking. 

For me this is the last session of DFI. 

Computational Thinking

A digitally capable person can 

  • create their own digital technologies solutions
  • decide what technology to use to solve problems
  • become innovative creators and designers
  • understand programming fundamentals and transfer these skills to various programs

"The Manaiakalani kaupapa  of empowerment is about advancing of Rangatiratanga;  helping them the control back of their lives." Pat Sneddon, Chair, MET

The New Digital Technologies Curriculum

It was informative to get a deeper understanding of what is required in the curriculum area. Some of the early activities are similar to those we are touching on in class just more specific to coding. It is confirming  that Y 1-6 are only expected to be achieving Progress Outcomes 1 & 2. The exemplars are useful models. 

Exploring Coding

I can see the development of problem-solving, collaboration, resilience as well as technical skills being developed here. The need to understand a common language becomes very obvious if these skills are to be transferable. A whole new vocabulary. Gamers must find this much easier to pick up, because they
are used to manoeuvring their way around other domains. My level of frustration was quite high.

Mihi Maker - Gamefroot
Fun! I enjoyed creating this game because the skills required were at my level. Unfortunately it would not save and so it lost. But I will do this with my class because we have just learned our mihi for assembly tomorrow and it will be a fun way to finish this learning. 


At the end of 8 Weeks; Questions to reflect on: 

  1. How has completing an eight week intensive digital fluency course had a positive impact on my learners?
  2. What have I learnt to improve my confidence and efficiency in my workflow and efficiency?
My confidence to plan and teach with digital devices has quadrupled. I no longer see devices as the problem, but see the problem that I may be able to solve with a device. I still get frustrated when I am unable to do what I want to do on a device but this is now more evenly balanced with pride and excitement when I can. This shift in self believe, increased basic skills and digital pedagogy has definitely had a positive impact on my classroom.  Is this positive impact measurable - I'm not sure how to do this? 

PROBLEMS to work through next: 
SHARE - I find it hard to want to share with the world which is weird because I pride myself in being a good mentor of younger teachers and a colleague who is happy to share and collaborate with others. 
DIGITAL CAPABILITIES - my digital skill set is low and I need to keep developing these. I find it frustrating spending time exploring - I just want to get the job done quickly.
LEARNING STYLE - I really enjoyed the presentations on Pedagogy and general overviews on Zoom. I did not enjoy learning and using specific skills and creating tasks in a zoom meeting. The demonstrations were too fast for me to keep up and there was often too much new learning in one bite. I would prefer to learn where I could watch others and have the time to repeat a new skill several times before moving on - my problem is to find some place that facilitates this type of learning.

Thanks  Phil, Andrea, Zoe, Louise, Deb, Lisa and my colleague Nic for your expertise, patience and sharing. 

Nga mihi



Thursday, June 17, 2021

 Day Seven of Digital Fluency Intensive


Wow, these learning sessions are nearly over.


Ubiquitous - Rangiwhapaha

4A    anytime
        any pace

So what does this mean for children's learning? If you have wifi and a device, digital technology should make it possible for all children to be connected to high quality learning. Rewindable learning gives students the ability to pick up learning at a time that works for them and their whanau. 

When we stop seeing computers just as at tool, they can be seen as solutions to problems like:
  • summer slide
  • illness
  • absentee of either the learner or the teacher
  • children who learn at different paces. (I definitely feel this need having taken part in this course. * need to have all children on the same device/ teachers need to know how to use these devices. 
" Kanohi ki te kanohi" Face to face.  I found  the video from Edith Paining from Tumuaki Bay of Islands College really interesting as I too thought that devices would minimise conversations - what I have found in my classroom is that when technology is being used there is more collaboration and sharing of creations and helping one another. Conversations are often amplified within the classroom and more connections made out of the classroom. 

REFLECTION from Covid Lock down.

I was proud that I gained enough skills to hold a goggle meet every school morning to which 25/28 kid joined regularly. For many children this was their 'norm'- stability for the week. We learned a karakia - one line each week and came back to class with everyone knowing it. My feedback, feedforward to children about their learning was better focused  and more regular - because I had the time within  school hours to think, without the noise (literal and figurative) of school. Our teaching team collaborated and shared the good and bad and created some super team learning. We had fun.

I regret that over earlier years pre-covid I could have upskilled myself in technology, but never found the time, need or desire to do so. It would have been very useful  and definitely less stressful. Up to this point I definitely saw devices just as another tool, a set of tricks to entertain children.

Initially our teaching team continued to collaborate and have fun but as the terms have progressed we are back feeling the pressure of an overcrowded curriculum, and working long hours in our own spaces.
My class use devices everyday but more often for purchased programmes (maths buddy, write that essay etc) researching, publishing and more recently creating as my confidence and skills grow. 

If we went back into lockdown tomorrow - I would be able to cope better, and most of my learners are more device savvy. 

I have the confidence to learn with my children. I have used children as experts to help others. I need to give them the reins to screencastify the learning for themselves and other children in the class. 

Being Cybersmart - Vicki

"The roof above our head". We must teach children to be Cybersmart so they can become: connected and confident decision makers, positive and successful digital citizens. 

Online comments need to be ( in real time life as well)
  • Positive
  • Helpful
  • thoughtful
* Be Internet Awesome - I need to find this for the children. 
What does your digital footprint reveal about you?
What you put online stays forever!


I have been meaning to do this since the beginning of the year when the chrome books arrived in my class. I have simply relied on super kids to help others find out how to maneuver around them to complete tasks. I felt the normal frustration of trying to achieve a task and not know how but it was a worthwhile session exploring. 

Recording your screen.-Phil

If it's worth teaching it's worth capturing. 
If it worth learning it's worth capturing.

I feel much more confident to screencastify after Phil's demonstrations. 

Another informative day of learning.

Nga Mihi
Sally MacNeilage


Thursday, June 10, 2021


Kia ora Koutou

Day 6 of Digital Fluency Intensive

Enabling Access Sites

Phil's Bubble

I enjoy meeting with our bubble in the beginning of the morning learning. Its good to hear what the others have been trying and I inevitably pick up some great tips from the other members.

  • Video (screencastify) to give the first instructions on the class site
  • Children always need to make a copy of the document they are working on
  • Children / and myself should always learn to put their work in a folder.

"Connectivity is a way of life for our students. Take it from them and they will check out." DFI
Connectivity empowers us by giving us access to knowledge that was not always available.

I agree that in the past, local and national school communities would  connect to compete in sports, cultural or literacy but digital technology has provided a tool to connect as a partnership in learning.

He waka eke noa : We are all in this learning together.

Te mea nui rawa ia ko te noho tahi, ko te whakawanaunga, ko te whakawhiti whakaaro.
The important thing is living together and exchanging ideas.

Making a class site.

It was very useful to look at some models of sites to get some ideas of what will work for me.
I spent all afternoon trying to change the site I am building into a simple colour scheme and don't like it. I thought the multi coloured buttons were far more inviting. Go figure!!
However the day is not lost because my learning style is to practise, practise, practise before I have nailed something.

Nga mihi

Thursday, June 3, 2021


Kia ora Koutou

Day 5 of Digital Fluency Intensive

I continue to learn more about the Manaiakalani pedagogy.


Making planning, teaching and learning, visible to everyone who has an invested interest -children, whanau, and colleagues- is important to create equal opportunity for all children to succeed. 

  • We all learn in different ways and at different paces.
  • Only some people are good at mazes or working out what the teacher is thinking. 
  • Visible learning/ rewindable learning / allows for more children to feel success
  • Seeing how other people have created a solution to the problem can motivate children to keep going or improve on their effort. 
  • digital learning can also create barriers to learning by locking out whanau with passwords etc 
  • Poorly designed learning can also a barrier for some children. 
There needs to be the discussion about what part of learning needs to be private. 

Multi Modal - Kerry Boyde Preece

I enjoyed this presentation. Comparing websites to the front display of a shop window provided a clear  image. Finding the hook for some of our learners in today's classrooms is as important as the actual learning. Helping to inspire and encourage all children and then make learning accessible is important. Multi modal sites can providing a vehicle that allows children to be empowered by their learning and learn at their own pace. Sites need to be constantly update for both the teacher and children. Sites can be an extension of the creators personality.

Google Sites 

I learnt so much today about creating a site. I can't wait to complete my Kaitiakitanga site and use it with my class. It was helpful today to have a look at different models of sites before we had to start making our own.  I enjoyed working collaboratively - an excellent example of the benefit of working as a team.  

I am going to add my site to this blog when I have finished it. Overall another successful day of learning.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Kia ora Koutou

Day 4 of Digital Fluency Intensive



The main message I took from today was that it is our job as educators to help children develop digital citizenship. To be safe, and become thoughtful, positive, helpful connected communicators. 

  • We all like to share.
  • We share in different ways and modes.
  •  Children share to learn - new learning occurs because they shared or someone else shared.
  • Sharing online provides an authentic audience.
  • Young people are often hooked in by knowing their is an authentic audience.

This slide helped demonstrates the greater audience technology has created.

Before Youtube 2005 sharing was constrained by Time, Place, People - you needed to be there in real time.  

Google Learning today

Google Forms: I can see applications for my own teaching and planning, gathering student voice.    

Google My Map: Combining a google form and My Map was such a cool activity. This will be my homework this week to create something for the class to do.

Google Sheets:  This was the highlight for me today. Learning how to create a life assessment sheet and turning that assessment into a chart. Best tips- freezing titles, adding sum, block filing, colour coding, adding chart.

CLOSING COMMENT: Today was a good day's learning. My strategy was to take on a manageable amount of new learning in each session and be able to use that learning to create within the time frame allotted. I achieved this in all sessions - despite my efforts being very basic I am pleased with this outcome.

Thursday, May 20, 2021


Day 3 of Digital Fluency Intensive

Day three was a much better pace - or maybe I am learning to move more quickly from tab to tab/ task to task, or better able to take out of each session some key points and leave the rest to re-visit another day. 


Create lies in the centre of Learn-Create-Share. I took two key messages from Dorothy's talk. One relating to children's learning and one about teacher efficiency. 


  • Children love to create.
  • Our body needs to be doing when creating. If the hands are involved the head gets going. Stuart Middleton. 
  • Creative skills help children become better problem solvers, communicators and collaborators.
  • Technology helps helps children become creators of content, not merely consumers.
  • Rewindable learning gives more time to create- greater efficiency with the mundane tasks of teaching. 


I managed to create a playlist for gymnastic warmups.  


Enjoyed this session and will definitely explore google draw more. I was able to create About Me for the side bar of my blog but not able to place it. 


Below is a slide that I created by finding a background picture. Added 2 different audios to the slide - one reading and music in the background. 

I enjoyed today and feel chuffed that I was able to learn and create three useful activities. It was fun!

Thursday, May 13, 2021


Day 2 of Digital Fluency Intensive

Today was a rollercoaster ride.

                                           Manaiakalani Pedagogy

I really enjoyed Dorothy's talk on AKO-LEARN. 

Recognising effective teachers who are implementing effective practice is paramount for effective learning to take place for all our learners. I have definitely been concerned that with the huge increase of the use of technology in our classes, we could throw the baby out with the bath water. I also saw devices as just another tool for learning. 

This example of the delivery of The Treaty of Waitangi has created a positive mindset shift for me.                                       

Recognise:         I use these resources effectively to help my student learn.
Amplify:            I use some of these type resources effectively in my teaching.
Turbocharge:     These resources sound exciting and novel.
                           Do they encourage deep thinking?
                           Where do you get to know where these resources are? 
                           What do I need to do to make these resources part of my teaching?

Google Meet: How to set up a google meet - with much help and patience from Phil
                        Presenting on my screen
                        Presenting, speaking, recording - retrieving and embedding video
                        Moving from one tab to another while presenting

Google Keep:    Sounded cool but I couldn't keep up so will need to go back and re-look at                             the learning.

Gmail:     I managed to insert a signature and logo - Yes!
                Short cuts g+i =inbox g+s= sent g+d= drafts  g+s=starred
                Explored the icons at the bottom of the new message sheet.
                Created folders

Calender:     I will definitely spent more time trying to work with a calendar. 

Taming Tabs: Most amazing finds of the day - 
                        How to pin tabs and know that you can move them around.


Wow this was a big day.
The task at the end of the day was almost too big. With the support of Andrea and Phil I was able to create a google meet and record myself talking about a blog. Every part of this task was new learning - it made me remember what it's like to be the slow kid in the class and how terrifying it is to make yourself that vulnerable.  Little steps.

To finish on a high note, it was great to get to know a little bit about our small bubble colleagues. 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

DFI Week 1

Day One of Digital Fluency Intensive

Over all a good start.

The Manaiakalani Story: 
  • The Hawaian name for the constellation of stars that the Maori followed on their journey back and forth from Hawaiiki.
  • Learn/ Create/ Share
  • Equity- this image says it all!
  • The need to learn how to use 21 century tools to live and work in the 21 century. 


Google Chrome
  • Bookmark- grab picture of padlock and drag down
Google Groups 
  • I will use this to set up a netball coaches emailing group. Yes.
Google Drive
  • Having a tidy filing system will be much more efficient for me. Worth the time spent. 
  • Things to consider: Name, Permissions, Order
  • Beginning a folder for every year
  • * in front to put the folder up the front. 
  • Shift Z - add it to a folder
  • Coloured folders !!!!
  • Making a Sandpit folder for creating things in - this is a good idea for myself and students - these can then be moved when used.  
Google Docs
I really enjoyed this session because up until now I have mainly used Word documents and got frustrated trying to use-Docs. I really liked that you could work in the one space and complete a variety of tasks. I did not get very far creating a document but will persevere over this week. New Learning:
  • Creating a table and then making the lines the same colour as the background is excellent for presenting professional looking documents. 
  • Colourpick eye dropper made this even more efficient.
  • Explore really useful for research, images, word development. 
  • Remove a background was frustrating but once I found my way around it - fun for presentation.
  • Table of contents
  • Headings 

The growth in my technology literacy and confidence (no matter how small)  will definitely help my learners. Any and all of the points above will, be help my students become more effective learners. Specifically:  
  • Presentation skills
  • The importance of creating good Filing systems 
  • Research skills (Having a scavenger hunt is a great way for deeper learning and practicing tech skills
  • Voice typing

And here I have a dilemma. Work consumes many hours of our lives. Out of work time I love being outside in the garden, beach, forest, farm, visiting friends and family, and just chilling with my husband or a good book (not necessarily in that order).  Despite enjoying using 21 century tools, to upskill myself with this technology I will have to practice, practice, practice which will eat into this precious personal time.  

However, I have enjoyed today, learned many new skills from both the large group sessions and the small group bubbles (this made it easier to ask questions at our own level), I appreciated the support from Phil and am inspired to practice, practice, practice. I can't wait to share at least one new skill with my class tomorrow. 

Friday, April 30, 2021

Nau mai, haere mai

Welcome to my professional learning blog.

This is a place where I can reflect on my Teaching as Inquiry goals

and how they link to the Education Council's

Our Code - Our Standards